- Specialized Consulting
Have a required vulnerability assessment due this quarter?
In the process of a merger/acquisition and need to perform an assessment of the new network?
Did you know that the average dwell time of an Advanced Persistent Threat is 6 months and want to ensure your network is not breached?
Or do you have general questions regarding cyber security and need a professional to turn to?
Voting System Technology Assessments:
Since the “Hursti Hack” in 2005, electronic voting system security and election integrity continues to be on every American’s mind, especially in upcoming elections. Numerous security professionals and public officials have testified that United States elections are at risk and require more scrutiny. This means our country needs cyber security experts must properly and independently assess our voting systems from optical scanner to central tabulation server.
Since the California’s 2007 “Top to Bottom Review,” our top security professional has led assessments on voting systems by vendors like Diebold, Dominion, ES&S, and Hart Intercivic. Reports developed by him and his team have been publicly published by the California Secretary of State’s office and has earned him notoriety in the 2020 HBO Documentary: “KILL CHAIN: The Cyber War On America’s Elections”
In addition, we provide the following assessments for our customers:
Vulnerability Assessments
Compliance Assessments (PCI-DSS, HIPAA, NIST CSF)
Compromise (Breach) Assessments
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